Hailuo In-Ear Headphone

Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good .

Hailuo In-Ear Headphone
by Xiaomi

  • Awarded April 15, 2020
  • CLIENT: Xiaomi
  • 11.333
Mi Quad Driver In-Ear Headphone adopts the advanced technology of hybrid quad drivers, 2 dynamic drivers, and 2 balanced armatures. Instead of showing the product image, this packaging design embeds the product into a nautilus shell to highlight the prominent sound effect of the product. Therefore, the whole image embossed on the surface to make the real feeling of the nautilus. Meanwhile, the silver paper with black ink gives the packaging a low sparkle to indicate high technology feelings. Due to the number of accessories and wires, the draw-out box structurally contains two layers.

Mi Quad Driver In-Ear Headphone adopts the advanced technology of hybrid quad drivers, 2 dynamic drivers, and 2 balanced armatures. Instead of showing the product image, this packaging design embeds the product into a nautilus shell to highlight the prominent sound effect of the product. Therefore, the whole image embossed on the surface to make the real feeling of the nautilus. Meanwhile, the silver paper with black ink gives the packaging a low sparkle to indicate high technology feelings. Due to the number of accessories and wires, the draw-out box structurally contains two layers.

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Good  Design

Hailuo In-Ear Headphone

Good Design

Great Design by Shunji Yamanaka & fuRo

Hailuo In-Ear Headphone

Great Design by Shunji Yamanaka & fuRo

Inspirational Mobility Robot Design

Hailuo In-Ear Headphone

Inspirational Mobility Robot Design

CanguRo Mobility Robot Image

Hailuo In-Ear Headphone

CanguRo Mobility Robot Image

Hailuo In-Ear Headphone

Hailuo In-Ear Headphone


Designer of Hailuo In-Ear Headphone

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